Agile Badger Studio

CGI, Illustration, & Motion

DoorDash Super Bowl Ad

DoorDash Ad for Super Bowl LVIII

Cannes Lions Titanium Grand Prix Award Winner

Client: Modern Logic for Wieden+Kennedy & DoorDash, The Artery

Project Categories:
Advertising / Commercials / Animation / Archviz / CGI / VFX

499 President Street

Full CG animation for multi-family apartment development in Brooklyn, NY

Client: IF Studio & The Brodsky Organization

Project Categories:
Advertising / Real Estate Marketing / Animation / Archviz / CGI / VFX

499 President Street

Composite CG animation for multi-family apartment development in Brooklyn, NY

Client: IF Studio & The Brodsky Organization

Project Categories:
Advertising / Real Estate Marketing / Animation / Archviz / CGI / VFX

499 President Street

Composite CG animation for multi-family apartment development in Brooklyn, NY

Client: IF Studio & The Brodsky Organization

Project Categories:
Advertising / Real Estate Marketing / Animation / Archviz / CGI / VFX

499 President Street

Composite CG animation for multi-family apartment development in Brooklyn, NY

Client: IF Studio & The Brodsky Organization

Project Categories:
Advertising / Real Estate Marketing / Animation / Archviz / CGI / VFX

499 President Street

Full CG animation for multi-family apartment development in Brooklyn, NY

Client: IF Studio & The Brodsky Organization

Project Categories:
Advertising / Real Estate Marketing / Animation / Archviz / CGI / VFX

Wynn Las Vegas

Composite animation for Wynn Las Vegas, featuring Formula 1

Client: Wynn Las Vegas

Project Categories:
Advertising / Commercials / Animation / CGI / VFX

Seminole Hard Rock F1

Animations for Seminole Hard Rock Casino, featuring Red Bull & Formula 1

Client: Seminole Hard Rock Casino

Project Categories:
Advertising / Commercials / Animation / Archviz / CGI / VFX